
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Imersion Neoprene protection for apnea fins


I needed something thin to protect my fins from scatches and impacts when I travelling. I usually put my fins in my SporTube but even there they can get banged up by other gear. I set out looking for something light, thin and with some padding. I could only find:

  • Proper fin bags: too big for my needs but they have padding at least
  • Thin plastic fin sleeves: thin but they have no padding
  • The Imersion Neoprene Protection bag: seems to have it all, so I got this.


It is build from black, lined, 3mm "ultra-soft" neoprene. It stands up to the description quite well in real life. It is 90cm x 25cm and my Breier 760B SG Fins fin perfectly inside:

The neoprene is very soft and stretchy as advertised. It has a handle build in, this is handy not not essential. What is nice is that it is carved into the sleeve so it does not ad extra bulk:

The back part has Velcro to hold it closed:



This is a nice and inexpensive product, it does a good job protecting my fins from dents while inside my SporTube, I recommend it if you have the same needs.


  1. Great that you resumed your blog, your reviews are very helpful ;)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Arsen!

      I have more in the pipeline, I will post asap.

  2. Hi,
    You put the 2 fins in one bag? Or you have 2 bags?

    1. Hi Bóia,

      it is not very clear in my pictures, but both fins fit in the bag (back to back). In the last picture with the velcro, the flap wraps around the back of the fins to close.

      I hope this helps, cheers.
